11 July 2012

Salvation Army Cadet James Parks doesn't expect thanks for the work he does to help others. As a Salvation Army Officer-in-training, he believes he is called to serve the less fortunate, and takes that responsibility seriously. But it is nice when his work is acknowledged - and when a "thank you" comes from the President, the honor is extra-special.

Cadet Parks was assigned to help serve the victims and volunteers of the Colorado wildfires, as part of the Emergency Disaster Services team. In early July, President Obama visited Colorado, to personally view the destruction caused by the wildfires. Cadet Parks met the President, and was humbled by his gratitude. In speaking about The Salvation Army, the President shook hands with Cadet Parks and said, "Thank you for all you do. You are on these lines, doing this every day. God bless you."