30 April 2013

Please join us for a free informational seminar about Will and Estate Planning at The Salvation Army in Mercer Island, WA, on May 8. You'll meet Salvation Army Planned Giving Directors and receive practical answers to common questions:

How can I maximize the inheritance to my heirs?

Can I make more today, while leaving more for others?

What tax changes will affect you and your family?

Can I use tax laws to my advantage?

Power of Attorney or guardianship? Or both?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a Living Trust?

Is it better to make gifts now or after death?

Are there pitfalls to IRAs?

Does Community Property title have advantages?

A well-balanced estate plan includes:

Planning ahead for disability
Maximizing gifts to heirs
Using tax laws to your advantage
Benefits of charitable trusts
Increasing income

Wednesday, May 8 ~ 2:00pm to 3:30am

Emmanuel Episcopal Church
4400 86th Avenue SE, Mercer Isaland, WA

Don't miss this FREE informative event. All attendees can order their free Will Planning Kit. Save the date and bring a friend! For additional seminar dates in other communities, please click here.

RSVP: Email NWLegacy@USW.SalvationArmy.org or call 800-859-5066